
The module of preprocess contains methods that are processes that could be made to data before training.

Visualize Feature

This method was created due a quick solution to long time calculation of Pandas Profiling. This method give a quick visualization with small latency time.

Code Example

The example uses a small sample from of a dataset from kaggle, which a dummy bank provides loans.

Let’s see how to use the code:

import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ds_utils.preprocess import visualize_feature

loan_frame = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset, encoding="latin1", nrows=11000,
loan_frame = loan_frame.drop("id", axis=1)

visualize_features(loan_frame["some feature"])

For ech different type of feature a different graph will be generated:


A distribution plot is shown:

Visualize Feature Float

Datetime Series

A line plot is shown:

Visualize Feature Datetime Series

Object, Categorical, Boolean or Integer

A count plot is shown.

Categorical / Object:

If the categorical / object feature has more than 10 unique values, then the 10 most common values are shown and the other are labeled “Other Values”.

Visualize Feature Categorical


Visualize Feature Boolean


Visualize Feature Integer

Looping Over All the Features

This code example shows how a loop can be constructed in order to show all of features:

import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ds_utils.preprocess import visualize_feature

loan_frame = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset, encoding="latin1", nrows=11000,
loan_frame = loan_frame.drop("id", axis=1)

figure, axes = pyplot.subplots(5, 2)
axes = axes.flatten()
figure.set_size_inches(18, 30)

features = loan_frame.columns
i = 0

for feature in features:
    visualize_feature(loan_frame[feature], ax=axes[i])
    i += 1


And the following image will be shown:

Features Visualization

Get Correlated Features

Code Example

The example uses a small sample from of a dataset from kaggle, which a dummy bank provides loans.

Let’s see how to use the code:

import pandas as pd
from ds_utils.preprocess import get_correlated_features

loan_frame = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset, encoding="latin1", nrows=30)
target = "loan_condition_cat"
features = train.columns.drop("loan_condition_cat", "issue_d", "application_type").tolist()
correlations = get_correlated_features(pandas.get_dummies(loan_frame), features, target)

The following table will be the output:











term_ 36 months

term_ 60 months









Visualize Correlations

This method was created due a quick solution to long time calculation of Pandas Profiling. This method give a quick visualization with small latency time.

Code Example

For this example I created a dummy data set. You can find the data at the resources directory in the packages tests folder.

Let’s see how to use the code:

import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ds_utils.preprocess import visualize_correlations

data_1M = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset)

And the following image will be shown:

Features Correlations

Plot Correlation Dendrogram

This method was created due the lack of maintenance of the package EthicalML / xai.

Code Example

For this example I created a dummy data set. You can find the data at the resources directory in the packages tests folder.

Let’s see how to use the code:

import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ds_utils.preprocess import plot_correlation_dendrogram

data_1M = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset)

And the following image will be shown:

Plot Correlation Dendrogram

Plot Features’ Interaction

This method was created due a quick solution to long time calculation of Pandas Profiling. This method give a quick visualization with small latency time.

Code Example

For this example I created a dummy data set. You can find the data at the resources directory in the packages tests folder.

Let’s see how to use the code:

import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ds_utils.preprocess import plot_features_interaction

data_1M = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset)
plot_features_interaction("x7", "x10", data_1M)

For each different combination of features types a different plot will be shown:

Both Features are Numeric

A scatter plot of the shared distribution is shown:

Both Features are Numeric

One Feature is Numeric and The Other is Categorical

If one feature is numeric, but the the other is either an object, a category or a bool, then a box plot is shown. In the plot it can be seen for each unique value of the category feature what is the distribution of the numeric feature. If the categorical feature has more than 10 unique values, then the 10 most common values are shown and the other are labeled “Other Values”.

Numeric and Categorical

Here is an example for boolean feature plot:

Numeric and Boolean

Both Features are Categorical

A shared histogram will be shown. If one or both features have more than 10 unique values, then the 10 most common values are shown and the other are labeled “Other Values”.

Both Features are Categorical

One Feature is Datetime Series and the Other is Numeric or Datetime Series

A line plot where the datetime series is at x axis is shown:

One Feature is Datetime Series and the other is Numeric or Datetime Series

One Feature is Datetime Series and the Other is Categorical

If one feature is datetime series, but the the other is either an object, a category or a bool, then a violin plot is shown. Violin plot is a combination of boxplot and kernel density estimate. If the categorical feature has more than 10 unique values, then the 10 most common values are shown and the other are labeled “Other Values”. The datetime series will be at x axis:

Datetime Series and Categorical

Here is an example for boolean feature plot:

Datetime Series and Boolean

Looping One Feature over The Others

This code example shows how a loop can be constructed in order to show all of one feature relationship with all the others:

import pandas as pd

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ds_utils.preprocess import plot_features_interaction

data_1M = pd.read_csv(path/to/dataset)

figure, axes = pyplot.subplots(6, 2)
axes = axes.flatten()
figure.set_size_inches(16, 25)

feature_1 = "x1"
other_features = ["x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7", "x8", "x9", "x10", "x11", "x12"]

for i in range(0, len(other_features)):
    axes[i].set_title(f"{feature_1} vs. {other_features[i]}")
    plot_features_interaction(feature_1, other_features[i], data_1M, ax=axes[i])


And the following image will be shown:

Looping One Feature over The Others